Green lantern corps
Green lantern corps

green lantern corps

He taught new recruits how to master their power rings, often bellowing his nickname for all of them, “Poozer!” Kilowog’s home planet of Bolovax Vik and its people were destroyed during the Crisis on Infinite Earths. He first appeared in 1986’s Green Lantern Corps #201 as the guardian of Sector 674 and quickly became known as the Corps’ rookie trainer. Kilowog The massively muscled Kilowog is a Bolovax member of the Green Lantern Corps and one of its most instrumental team players. Cruz bears a glowing mark of the Green Lantern on her right eye. The two wary partners gradually overcame their differences and even became valuable members of the Justice League. Cruz continued to be challenged by her anxiety even as she fought alongside her fellow rookie against threats big and small. Veteran Green Lantern Hal Jordan, recognizing the potential of both Cruz and Baz, fused their ring power batteries together to forge their partnership. A Green Lantern ring was offered to Cruz for her formidable bravery. As her body was taken over by a fear-based power ring attracted to her crushing anxiety, she fought against its overpowering influence and eventually won. Cruz seemed an unlikely choice for the Corps, suffering from debilitating PTSD and panic attacks after she saw her friends murdered by criminals. Jessica Cruz When DC Comics’ Rebirth continuity kicked off in 2016, Earth had two new Green Lanterns added to its ranks: Simon Baz and Jessica Cruz. His overwhelming anger often proves to be his undoing, but Gardner has showed time and again that he is a loyal friend and hero worthy of the Green Lantern’s light. Gardner would go on to become a valued member of the Green Lantern Corps, although his stubborn attitude was often at odds with his trainer Kilowog and the rest of the Corps. In a revised New 52 origin, the two Lanterns met on the planet Oa and were assigned to protect the same sector. Originally, Jordan sought out Gardner as a potential back-up and the two struck up a friendship. When Abin Sur crashed on Earth, his Green Lantern ring identified two possible successors: Hal Jordan and Guy Gardner. His first appearance in the pages of Green Lantern comics was in 1968, but he didn’t find his footing as a hotheaded hero until many years later.

green lantern corps green lantern corps

Guy Gardner Guy Gardner is instantly recognizable with his bowl-cut red hair and a fiery temper to match.


In more recent comic storylines, Scott is an out gay man, and the upcoming television series won’t shy away from that aspect of his character. The abilities of Scott’s ring, which was mystically powered by a green lantern fashioned from a mysterious meteorite, were unable to affect anything made of wood or plant-based materials. He wasn’t a formal member of the Green Lantern Corps and stayed decidedly Earthbound in his early adventures. His bright costume was a delightful arrangement of green, red, purple, and yellow, complete with a mask and flowing cape. Even among a group as diverse as the Green Lanterns, Scott stands out as a unique part of their ranks. He was instructed by the spirit inside to create a ring, and with the incredible powers it granted he became the first Green Lantern. The railroad engineer miraculously escaped a train wreck by grasping a strange, glowing lantern. The original Green Lantern to wield the ring on Earth, Alan Scott made his debut in 1940 in All-American Comics #16. Let those who worship evil’s might beware my power, Green Lantern’s light! Alan Scott Alan Scott is the oldest character on this list and one of the most intriguing. “Every Lantern takes the following oath: In brightest day, in blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight.

Green lantern corps